na záver červy azinoks navyše, Ľudová spôsob, ako sa zbaviť giardia
Diphyllobothriasis is an infection of the small intestine by the broad tapeworm Diphyllobothrium sp. The associated symptomatology is nonspecific, but ...
Une seule larve plérocercoïde peut provoquer une infestation. Épidémiologie. Il n'existe pas de système de surveillance de la diphyllobothriose en. France et en ...
Diphyllobothrium latum and related species (the fish or broad tapeworm), the largest tapeworms that can infect people, can grow up to 30 feet long. While most ...
Epidemiology The prevalence is Europe is unknown but more than 10 cases are reported each year, principally from the Italian, Swiss and French Alps. · Etiology.
A single plerocercoid larva can cause infestation. Epidemiology. Monitoring system. There is no system for monitoring diphyllobothriasis in France or Europe. ( ...
May 1, 2004 —
May 31, 2019 —
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